Help us Grow our Family

As many of you know IVF is very expensive. On average one cycle is around $13,000. Any donations (big or small) would be greatly appreciated. Click on the donate button to help us bring another little angel to our family! Even if you are not able to donate, please share our story with others! God Bless!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

     So we've officially started our IVF journey. The appointment at the fertility center yesterday went well. Everyone was very nice and helpful. We got to talk to our doctor about our issues and what we've already tried and tests that were done. We learned a couple different things from the visit. First the remaining tube that is blocked is most likely the result of a cyst I had removed from it during the ectopic removal surgery a few years ago. We also learned that I have PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome), which essentially means I have a bunch of little cysts covering my ovaries because I haven’t been ovulating and my hormones are all out of whack. Which would explain why I've felt more “crazy”, my cycle has been irregular, plus the weight gain and difficulty to lose weight since the surgery. So as much as that all kind of sucks, it’s nice to know there is a reason for them.  So today I started two different meds. One to help start regulating my periods and another to help balance out my hormones.
       I have an appointment scheduled for next Wednesday to do a uterine water ultrasound to make sure my uterus is healthy and normal and then another appointment on June 8 with our IVF coordinator to go over a care plan. Brandon got his blood drawn yesterday to run some tests and he will have to have a semen analysis done. But we've got the ball rolling.
        The biggest obstacle will continue to be the cost. We got a break down of the costs yesterday at the appointment. Our insurance will help cover some of the diagnostic stuff but nothing for the actual infertility treatment. The Cycle fee is $7,900 but then you have to pay for all the meds separately which ranges anywhere from $3,000-$6,000 plus the cost of the Anesthesia ($350) when they do the egg retrieval. Then there is the cost of freezing the eggs for future use ($750) and the cost of storing them ($500) per year. And the money all has to be paid up front before you start your first cycle. So we’ll have to figure that out. But we are really excited to finally have some answers and a plan. It feels good to be doing something instead of just waiting.
          Thank you again so much for all your love and support! We really appreciate it!

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