Help us Grow our Family

As many of you know IVF is very expensive. On average one cycle is around $13,000. Any donations (big or small) would be greatly appreciated. Click on the donate button to help us bring another little angel to our family! Even if you are not able to donate, please share our story with others! God Bless!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Embryo Transfer day

      So on Monday we went to the clinic to have an embryo transferred. This was a much easier and less painful procedure. The worst part was having to wait with an extremely full bladder. They tell you to come with a semi-full bladder so that things are easier to see on the ultrasound when they do the procedure. But how do you know when it's "semi-full"?! And then our dr. happened to be behind schedule so things got painful and I had to take a little off the top....twice. And then of course during the procedure they are pushing down on your bladder with the ultra-sound thing, so that was awesome. But in the end it all went well. Brandon got to be in the room for this procedure and we both got to watch as they put in a little embryo (well, technically blastocyst). When the procedure was over they had me lay flat for 15 minutes while we listed to the silly bird chirping nature sound timer.
Waiting in the waiting room
Waiting in the procedure room

ultra sound of embryo in my uterus
Laying flat for 15 min. after procedure
        I have since been resting the last two days (what they refer to as your "princess days"). I was told I could make a sandwich and shower but nothing else. So I've watched a lot of Netflix and napped :) I had a couple awesome sisters from my ward bring me dinner both nights (Thanks Amy and Amanda!). I am looking forward to being able to get up and move around more tomorrow. I'm still supposed to take it easy, but can resume regular daily activities.
        I'm starting to feel nervous now. I'm at the point where there is nothing more I can really do and just have to wait and hope for the best. Brandon's and my 7th anniversary is next week and we are taking a family trip, so preparing for that should help take my mind off things for a little bit, but I'm anxious to know if everything we've been doing for the last few months will be a success or not. So keep those prayers coming! Love to all!


  1. So how long until you'll know if it worked??

    1. They'll do a blood test in 10 days to check.
